Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hexagram 35

I think it must be a sign. Five days after receiving an email from my ex, saying "maybe we'll talk this week" and then not hearing a word, I got an email from Selective Search, an elite matchmaking service. I'd sent my info in a couple of years ago, but hadn't heard a thing and even forgotten about it, until yesterday when I glanced at an old email account and saw the message inviting me to come to their office to meet in-person.

I'm ready. Match-making services have thrived for centuries so there must be something to them. Admittedly, all my attempts to fix up friends have failed miserably, but my only criteria was that everyone was available. These people have a pool of 900,000 women, according to their website. Plus they charge the men (women don't pay anything) tens of thousands of dollar. You'd think that more often than not, they must come up with something, otherwise, they couldn't still be in business.

So with two internet dates and a match-making meeting lined up for next week, I can't help myself. I throw the I Ching. It lands on Hexagram 35, "Progress." Terrific. But then I read further. "...It may be that we meet with no confidence. In this case we ought not to try to win confidence regardless of the situation, but should remain calm and cheerful and refuse to be roused to anger..." Not exactly the best prognosis, but hey, it's only a date or two. Or possibly three.

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